A Focus on Merchant Services
Selecting the right merchant service provider is a crucial decision for any sports club. The provider you choose will directly impact your ability to accept payments, manage transactions efficiently, and provide a seamless customer experience. More people are using cards or digital wallets for payments, making it essential for sports clubs to have an effective merchant service provider.
What are Merchant Services?
The demand for efficient, reliable merchant services has never been higher. More people are using cards or digital wallets for payments, making it essential for sports clubs to have an effective merchant service provider. With numerous options available in the market, understanding the key factors to consider when choosing a merchant services provider is more important than ever.
Assess your Club's needs
Begin by evaluating your specific requirements. Consider factors such as what you take payments for, do you take payments outside, do you need to take online payments. Start with the perfect scenario for how you want to take payments as additional options doesn’t always mean additional cost.
Transparent Pricing & Fees
Understanding the pricing structure is vital to avoid high or unexpected costs. Often companies will simply quote the % rates taken away per transaction. However, with sports clubs typically seeing a high volume of lower value transactions, one of the most important charges is the authorisation fee. Further expensive charges for clubs include - online portal access, PCI compliance or non-compliance, minimum service charges are all common place and are typically expensive and unnecessary. We consistently see sports clubs being charged 30-60% more than they need to be.
Terminals & Service Speed
It’s half time or the end of an innings. The bar suddenly has a huge queue and it’s taking 20 seconds to type a transaction into the terminal and for the transaction to be confirmed. This adds up to a stressful experience for the bar staff and a frustrating one for the customer. Understand your terminal options, how easy they are to use, and how quick to transact. Quicker service means more custom, and bigger profits for your club.
EPOS and Integration capabilities
Consider your current till system. Is it quick to add items to and navigate. Can you quickly apply members discount? Do you want your till system to directly integrate and sync with your card terminal? All these factors are important to consider to create a fantastic customer experience at your club.
Customer Support
Reliable customer support is crucial for resolving any issues or concerns that may arise. Look for a provider that offers 24/7 support and multiple channels of communication, such as phone, email, and live chat. Check online reviews and ratings to gauge the provider's reputation for customer service. TrustPilot is a great resource for this.
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